Laser Services

Hair Removal

Get smooth skin from head to toe! Recommended six to 12 sessions for first-time laser hair removal patients.

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL)

Also known as a photofacial, IPL works to reduce overall skin pigmentation. This treatment helps reduce the appearance of sun damage, brown spots, age spots, and broken veins (including rosacea).


A fractional skin treatment used to treat texture irregularities, such as pore size, deep wrinkles, and acne scarring. This treatment is used by promoting collagen and elastin production to achieve a more youthful, tighter appearance.


Why settle to address one skin problem when you can address three? Introducing a revolutionary treatment that merges the power of IPL and Resurfacing in one. ThreeForMe laser treatment is the proven way to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation, and unsightly veins at the same time in a single treatment!

This treatment works in two passes.

  1. The first pass treats discoloration and facial vessels using a technology called Intense Pulsed Light, or IPL. IPL addresses sun damage including freckles, brown spots or age spots, and unsightly veins, including broken blood vessels, facial veins, and rosacea. 
  2. The second pass uses Icon’s “microbeam” laser technology that gently renews the skin by generating collagen and elastin—keys to the support structure of our skin. This results in the improvement of fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and other surface imperfections.